The McGuinness Institute and the Royal Society are busy preparing for the third and final Workshop held tomorrow at the Royal Society. The Work programme is now up and available on the Civics and Media workshop 3 page. You can also view it below.

20151118 CM workshop 3 programme image

We look forward to the speakers presentations – 11 speakers, 5 minutes, 3 ideas – looking at ways to bring about a more civically engaged New Zealand in 2030. To learn more, see The Civics and Media website homepage.

Workshop 3 will involve collecting ideas in the morning from a diverse range of speakers and then working in self-selected groups in the afternoon to develop a workshop booklet that proposes a way forward. If you are interested in attending workshop 3, email us at [email protected].

The purpose of the Civics and Media Project is to inform and encourage public discourse and engagement regarding civics and media, with the ultimate aim of informing decisions by individuals, industry and institutions across society. Six agencies have joined together to examine whether citizens and communities have the news and information they need and want in a digital age and determine what a well-informed, civically engaged New Zealand will look like in 2030.