The following entry is in response to the Editorial: Plan for today as well as tomorrow and the accompanying article Wellington’s 2040 strategy ‘time-consuming and distracting (16 June, Dominion Post).

Forward thinking and strategic planning are key skills which increase the chances of achieving desired outcomes; as future thinking empowers us to actively and positively shape what is to come. Running a city involves considering many facets simultaneously and how they interact with and affect each other.

When developing long-term city plans, multiple parties need to be consulted to determine a course of action for the future. Local government decisions affect how many local organisations operate and bottom-up buy-in is crucial for successful implementation of plans. While the Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) and Wellington City Council are distinctly different bodies, this does not mean that they should be operating in isolation. Therefore, it is necessary to address any fears that Wellington’s 2040 strategy either duplicates or cuts across the GRWC strategy.

Without thinking about the future it is likely that critical gaps in the effective planning for our city will be overlooked and efficiency compromised. However, this does not mean one should concentrate on the future at the expense of the present. The present should be the starting point of most discussions and future plans should be revisited and adjusted as unforeseen events arise, such as the Christchurch earthquakes.

Written by Lara

Photo courtesy of Dean Pemberton